(Rom. 12:10-12) “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality.” In the above verse the Apostle Paul begins by addressing the need for brotherly love within the body of Christ by using a long list of commands, separated by a series of semi-colons. Meaning that God’s type of brotherly love ought to include all of the above equally. The word “brotherly” refers to the type of fraternal love that brothers and sisters have within a normal family. Where although there may be disagreements at times, kindness and affection overrules. Believers who care about one another learn to put selfish feelings aside for the “honor” or edification of those they serve with. They put God’s “business” first and are not “slothful” or apathetic toward it. They are “fervent” or hot in the Spirit toward their service. They are faithful always “rejoicing in hope” and not quitting. “Patient” toward others, and in trial themselves; knowing that God will help and answer in time of need. They are “instant in prayer” meaning that they are quick to pray and faithfully trust in God, and His Word. Constantly giving, constantly helping, constantly loving one another in sincerity & with “hospitality.”
“Matt. 6:13) “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” The above verse is the ending words of Jesus’s example on of how to pray. In the Lord’s prayer we are first taught to honor and glorify the Father and His Holy Name or (His Person). Then we are commanded to seek His will or (His Purpose) in life. After which, Jesus taught us to (Petition) him for our needs or “ daily bread,” as well as “forgiveness” and “deliverance from evil” when tested, but there is also another aspect of this prayer that most people miss; and that is (His Praise). You see the temptation to do sin or “evil” is as much a part of our daily life as breathing. We are tempted daily to lust, lie, steal, gossip, cheat, become jealous, hate, etc., so we need not just the forgiveness of God, but also His power in faith. Brethren, we have someone in heaven who knows the feel of temptation in the flesh, and his name is Jesu
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