14:11-12) “For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow
to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall
give account of himself to God.” One day all men will stand in judgment before
God, but there will be a special “great white throne judgment” (Rev. 20:11-15) set aside for the unsaved
where God himself will explain to the unsaved that salvation apart from
trusting in Jesus Christ is impossible. Different types of arguments and
excuses will be given there: 1) Arguments by the Heathen Man .
He believes that because he has never heard of Jesus he has an excuse, but God
will show him that he once had the truth but rejected it. For all men came
off Noah’s Ark, unfortunately those that forsook God damned the next
generations to follow by replacing God with the idols and the lies of men. So,
no matter where man is found on earth he is guilty of rejecting God’s way of
salvation for his own. That’s why Missions is so important today, for we must
take Jesus to the world. 2) Moral Man. He thinks he can get to
heaven by being morally good. He compares himself and his works to others
thinking that because he is better than most, he is ok, but he doesn’t
understand that one day his morality will be compared to Jesus Christ and not
man. He therefore falls short of God’s morality. 3) Religious Man.
He’s trusting in religion, the Law, and his religious works to save him, but
unfortunately again though he may be sincere in his religious practices, unless
he is born again his religion is useless. No man can escape Hell without
Jesus Christ.
“Matt. 6:13) “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” The above verse is the ending words of Jesus’s example on of how to pray. In the Lord’s prayer we are first taught to honor and glorify the Father and His Holy Name or (His Person). Then we are commanded to seek His will or (His Purpose) in life. After which, Jesus taught us to (Petition) him for our needs or “ daily bread,” as well as “forgiveness” and “deliverance from evil” when tested, but there is also another aspect of this prayer that most people miss; and that is (His Praise). You see the temptation to do sin or “evil” is as much a part of our daily life as breathing. We are tempted daily to lust, lie, steal, gossip, cheat, become jealous, hate, etc., so we need not just the forgiveness of God, but also His power in faith. Brethren, we have someone in heaven who knows the feel of temptation in the flesh, and his name is Jesu
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