(John 4:35) “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” These verses have been used for centuries by Preachers to challenge God’s people to win souls and labor in the world for Christ, but because of our human nature we can grow cold to this calling and forget to think about the eternal souls of the people around us. Then, all to soon comes a funeral or a sickness that causes us to be concerned. In the above verse Jesus challenged his disciples on how to stay focused on the souls of men, for he just witnessed to a woman standing at a well about her eternal soul, and because he did she believed on him and her witness caused an entire town to come out to find him. Therefore, Jesus commanded; 1)Lift up your eyes. In other words, stop being so distracted and place your focus onto what is really important. As Christians it’s very possible to be more focused on our own personal life than the souls of men. God saved us not to just sit in church, or study our Bibles, but he saved us to be a witness of his grace to a world that is lost without Jesus. Therefore, 2) Look upon the fields. When Jesus said this, he was pointing to the crowds that were gathering because of the witness of the woman at the well. The fields were full of needy souls, just like a wheat field ready for harvest. You see, God needs us to go into these fields, like this woman and bring souls to Jesus, for they can’t find him without the gospel. Therefore, Jesus said, “I say unto you,” Get involved in the harvest!
“Matt. 6:13) “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” The above verse is the ending words of Jesus’s example on of how to pray. In the Lord’s prayer we are first taught to honor and glorify the Father and His Holy Name or (His Person). Then we are commanded to seek His will or (His Purpose) in life. After which, Jesus taught us to (Petition) him for our needs or “ daily bread,” as well as “forgiveness” and “deliverance from evil” when tested, but there is also another aspect of this prayer that most people miss; and that is (His Praise). You see the temptation to do sin or “evil” is as much a part of our daily life as breathing. We are tempted daily to lust, lie, steal, gossip, cheat, become jealous, hate, etc., so we need not just the forgiveness of God, but also His power in faith. Brethren, we have someone in heaven who knows the feel of temptation in the flesh, and his name is Jesu
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