(Proverbs 29:18) “Where there is no vision, the people perish:…” In this verse it is apparent that having “no vision” causes people to perish. The vision implied here is “hearing from God.” To hear from God in the Bible, two things are necessary. 1) A prophet. A man who was chosen by God to give man God’s message. 2) The message or vision itself. God only gave His visions to prophets who would share them correctly. Not having God’s message not only causes the unsaved to die and go to Hell, but it also causes believers to fall away. The word “perish” means to “go back to a place of wasting.” When any man is neglected the hearing of God’s Word, he will end up in a place of wasting, but the 2nd half of the above verse is also true; “but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” 3)Obedience to God’s vision brings “happiness” or blessings. When any man hears God’s law (or vision) and obeys it, a blessing is promised to him. God’s blessing is only available to those who listen and hear, and then obey when God’s vision is spoken ! May we not be of those that hear and do nothing, but rather be of those that hear and go into all the world with God’s vision and gospel.
“Matt. 6:13) “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” The above verse is the ending words of Jesus’s example on of how to pray. In the Lord’s prayer we are first taught to honor and glorify the Father and His Holy Name or (His Person). Then we are commanded to seek His will or (His Purpose) in life. After which, Jesus taught us to (Petition) him for our needs or “ daily bread,” as well as “forgiveness” and “deliverance from evil” when tested, but there is also another aspect of this prayer that most people miss; and that is (His Praise). You see the temptation to do sin or “evil” is as much a part of our daily life as breathing. We are tempted daily to lust, lie, steal, gossip, cheat, become jealous, hate, etc., so we need not just the forgiveness of God, but also His power in faith. Brethren, we have someone in heaven who knows the feel of temptation in the flesh, and his name is Jesu
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